Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gathering Wind or losing wind???

Who knows???  I believe only God knows that.  Yesterday, no cancer in my brain, thus far, just spinal cord, back, and problems.  Sometimes its easier to just sleep sitting up....  I am continuing my Radiation at this point.  4 weeks or so?  Not sure. 

My daughter will stay til Thursday June 3rd.  She said she would come back as soon as they want hospice.  I would rather she be here to help out as much as possible.  As far as that's concerned, I'd rather my family just be my hospice workers :).  Don't know how they feel like that.....  I do have a husband that's a nurse, plus Anita who is a Certified nursing assistant....what more could you ask?

I do know I'm tired.  7 yrs has just been so very long, and I have so may things I want to do, but will never get to do. 

Need to do some more sewing, some more talking to my kids/grandkids.  I think I want the most for them is to know how very much I have loved them over the years.  Somehow or another, God has given me a wonderful family, and I would never want to hurt them. 

You know, in the past 7 yrs, God has really emerged more & more in my life.  Maybe its because of Him, I have  less fear?  Nope, I am not so brave as to say I don't need Him, But with Him, I believe I will be OK.

Keep me in your prayers, today, and everyday.  Add me to your Rosary.  As I say my daily prayers, I am adding you.

Love-n-Blessings-PAX CHRISTI
New post
Pax Christi!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A whilwind has come!

With my last post, they said nothing was found on abd scan, so I went to radiologist guys....I KNEW something wasn't right.  On the 13th I went back to the Radiologist, and they were worried, but couldn't  figure out where the pain was coming from.  They wanted to order a MRI of my back, but ins said "no".  I was Dr Gian on the 18th, and he said I would have one, and rescheduled it for Fri.  On Thurs the Radiologists office called and said we would do it then.  So, My daughter & I went on up to the office for my MRI.  I was in loads of pain, and has to do it in stretches.    Results were immediate...not good.My left Plural space was 4/4 full of fluid, the cancer was 50% leaning against my spinal cord, and if we had not found this, I would be paralyzed within a week or so.  The cancer is basically all throughout my L side.

 On Friday, I had my plural space drained of almost 1000 cc fluid, had radiation tx, and will be continuing-for now.  I am having an MRI of my brain on Tues, today.  IF the cancer has progressed that far, well,  I'm not sure if I am going to keep fighting at that point.  God gives us all a stopping point, and I always knew when I would reach mine.  I will leave all in God's hands, and completely in His Will.

Not easy, but He has given me extra time.  I have had 7+ wonderful yrs with my husband & kids since dx. I pray I have used that time well.

I need to sign off, now.  Off to see the good Doc Gian, and then, radiation, then MRI, then.....well, I'll let you know.  Pray for me?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

April Showers Bring May Flowers

....except in Tennessee!  Cold one day, hot one day, rainy the other,  No consistancy here!

I am done with Radiation, and to newer  & better things.  I had a abd scan for abd pain, I find out what the verdict is, today.  I think I need loads of prayers! I have been through so much!

Now, though for some flowers! Anita & my sweet grandkids are here, They are perfect, as you can imagine,  They have grown & matured, and I LOVE them.  I plan on spending time to just sew for them.We have been good willing shopping 3 times, so far, so I'm sue we will come out with some nice outfits for the. and they're babies!  Of course, have I mentioned they were perfect?

We are planning on making soap, together, as well as sewing, pictures, and just having fun.  Of all the things in the world, having your kids home, after being gone for a year, is the greatest gift God had given me.

I will get some pics up, shortly.

Pax Christi!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Long days.......

I know we are officially in the winter months, but I am so ready to be into spring!  When you start the day with radiation, it seems to all go downhill from there.  PLUS, the sunshine has been rare this year.

The doc said we won't know how the radiation is going for a few weeks, yet...and of course my 5 weeks of radiation became 7 weeks.  Please pray they don't add more!!  I really would like to be done.  On top of everything else, I forgot to get my blood work done, today.  I had to block one of my cards, seems my number may have been stolen.  Going to the bank, tomorrow.  Michael's computer died, today, and after talking with my son, he reformatted the whole thing, and we added the computer to our prayer list!  Now we all know spring will bring about better times!

Please Pray for my grandson, Blake, seems he may have some kind of virus.  He is such a sweet child, and in TN, every time you miss a day of school, you need a doc's note...poor Christina has been to their office more than once in the past few weeks.

Pax Christi!